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The Violet

Historic Producer

An early producer in the Cobalt camp, the Violet Mine was the site of several discoveries.
The mine is close to the town of Cobalt and surrounded by many other high grade historic producers.
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During its initial production phase the mine output was 897,000 oz of silver, producing at various times between 1905 and 1966.
There are five veins known to exist on the Violet property. Vein No. 1 was discovered in 1905 and is exposed at surface and was developed as a 65 foot open cut with a depth of 40 feet. Vein No. 3 became the principal vein on the property when It was first uncovered by a crosscut.
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Most of the claim is covered by overburden on a bedrock surface of Nipissing diabase. The O’Brien-Violet fault traverses the claim in a southeasterly direction cutting through the Nipissing, cobalt series and Keewatin formation.
Management plans to focus on exploring for the cobalt and silver mineralization known to exist on the property in light of rising prices and the anticipated future growth potential in the cobalt and silver markets.
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