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The Beaver

An early discovery long neglected

The Beaver Mine was one of the deepest shafts in the Cobalt camp and advanced understanding of the regional geology. Recent hand-cobbed material at surface in 2017 averaged 4.68% cobalt.
The property consists of one single 20-acre patented mining claim and includes surface and mineral rights. The physical location of the property is near the town of Cobalt.
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During its initial operation the mine produced 221.7 tonnes silver (7,127,858 ounces) and 140,000 pounds of cobalt averaging 1.4 pounds per tonne between 1907 and 1940.
Production from the mines adjoining the Beaver Mine included the Temiskaming, 376.9 tonnes silver (12,118,796 ounces), Brady Lake, 96.4 tonnes silver (3,100,000 ounces), and the Cobalt Load, 139.8 tonnes silver (4,493,725 ounces).
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The property features two shafts with the deepest at 487.7 metres, (1600 feet) with 8.5 miles of drifts and crosscuts. The workings penetrate the entire thickness of the diabase intrusion and led to discovery of silver veins on lower contact.
Management believes that diamond drilling the lower contact area is warranted to test a near flat fault known to exist. A similar flat fault in the Duchess and Cobalt Load appears to have been a controlling feature in the mined ore.