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Lowney-Lac Edouard

Prospective Nickel-Copper Property Near Rio Tinto

The Lowney-Lac Edouard property is south of the past-producing nickel-copper Lac Edouard Mine and right next to a property where Rio Tinto, in a 2023 drilling program in the Savane area of a Midland Exploration Inc. property, discovered high-grade nickel with copper. Midland reported in an April 27, 2023 news release that Hole MDLD0001, drilled by Rio Tinto, intersected an interval grading 1.07% Ni and 0.13% Cu over 0.78 metres, from 101.87 to 102.65 metres. Midland also reported that grab samples taken by prospectors in the Savane area in 1995 yielded historical values of 1.80% Ni and 0.20% Cu. Another grab sample from a sub-cropping boulder also yielded grades of 1.98% Ni and 0.46% Cu about 250 metres north of the Savane showing (Source: SIGEOM NTS sheet 31P07; GM55352). This may not be representative of the mineralisation of Lowney-Lac Edouard.
A joint airborne VTEM geophysical survey with Rio Tinto has been completed to better understand the geological potential. Several prospective anomalies on the property were identified and a drill program was initiated in December 2023.
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The area, which has good road access and infrastructure, is near La Tuque in Central Quebec and is located north of the port of Trois Rivieres and approximately 100 km northwest of Quebec City.
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The drilling is being conducted in the center and southern part of the 7,237-hectare property in areas where five electromagnetic anomalies were identified by a Geotech VTEM airborne geophysical survey conducted for Nord Precious Metals (see news releases May 24, 2022 and August 29, 2022).
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A Geophysical survey indicated a larger Bouguer gravity anomaly of the kind which often contains a sizeable amount of minerals.